Scholarly Horizons eBulletin – January 2025
This is a free online information service, covering topics such as scholarly publishing, avoiding questionable publishing practices, open access, open educational resources, access to knowledge, copyright and related matters, library matters, including institutional repositories and digitisation projects, access issues related to people with disabilities, and other topics. Should you not wish to receive these emails […]
eBulletin December 2024
This is a free online information service, covering topics such as scholarly publishing, avoiding questionable publishing practices, open access, open educational resources, access to knowledge, copyright and related matters, library matters, including institutional repositories and digitisation projects, access issues related to people with disabilities, and other topics. Should you not wish to receive these emails […]
eBulletin November 2024
This is a free online information service, covering topics such as scholarly publishing, avoiding questionable publishing practices, open access, open educational resources, access to knowledge, copyright and related matters, library matters, including institutional repositories and digitisation projects, access issues related to people with disabilities, and other topics. Should you not wish to receive these emails […]
eBulletin October 2024
This is a free online information service, covering topics such as scholarly publishing, avoiding questionable publishing practices, open access, open educational resources, access to knowledge, copyright and related matters, library matters, including institutional repositories and digitisation projects, access issues related to people with disabilities, and other topics. Should you not wish to receive these emails […]
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